Sister Cities

Japanese delegation learns more about Hawaiʻi agriculture

Sister Cities

Twenty-one people from Sakai Town in Ibaraki Prefecture, Japan, paid a visit to Gilmore Hall to learn about CTAHR's mission and activities, and to introduce CTAHR to the town’s agricultural history and development. 

The visitors included the Sakai senate chair, senators, education department chair, elementary and junior high school principals, and support staff. The coterie was treated to presentations by Interim Dean Ania Wieczorek, who described the mission and activities of CTAHR, including land grant institutions and undergraduate programs; Associate Dean for Extension Jeff Goodwin, who explained the 4H program; and Tomoaki Miura of the Dept. of Natural Resources and Environmental Management.

The senators from Sakai Town described the current status of their town's agriculture, agribusiness, their status and issues, and 4H club.

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[EasyDNNnews:Author:ShortInfo] [EasyDNNnewsLocalizedText:Otherpostsby] Kathleen Marie Vickers

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