Lara Hackney

2021 Ka Pouhana Mentor Awardee

Lara Hackney

Lara Hackney is an instructor in the Dept. of Human Nutrition, Food and Animal Sciences. Currently, she teaches three courses in Food Science and Human Nutrition (FSHN 112, 181, and 312), and is the RIO Coalition president for the Stop Student Hunger program.  

During the COVID-19 pandemic, Lara worked tirelessly to ensure food security for CTAHR students. She worked with the Academic and Student Affairs Office to implement a monthly cooking show to teach students how to cook a nutritious meal and provided cooking show kits. To prepare for these shows, Lara researched the dishes to ensure they were suitable for our students.  

“Lara is an excellent CTAHR faculty member who goes above and beyond her faculty teaching duties to give back to the community,” says Associate Dean Ania Wieczorek. “Her endless dedication to the college and its students is truly remarkable!”     

Watch Lara’s cooking show in this Tik Tok video made by CTAHR student Riana Kawasaki and her friend, Matt Kam.

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