Better Ag Resilience

Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems issues a call for Hawaiʻi submissions

Better Ag Resilience

“Disruptions to farm labor, supply chains, and transportation associated with COVID-19 only highlighted what many have been articulating for years: that the global food system lacks resilience to a range of potential issues,” says professor Noa Lincoln of the Dept. of Tropical Plant and Soil Sciences. “Just a like a natural ecosystem, aspects of diversity and functional redundancy could embed aspects of resilience and security into our food systems.”

For this special topic in Sustainable Food System, Achieving Food System Resilience & Equity in the Era of Global Environmental Change, the journal Frontiers has issued a call for submissions, and would welcome contributions from Hawaiʻi.  

The objective is to provide a broad band of stakeholders with an up-to-date scientific analysis of the systemic risks of anthropogenic climate destabilization and other stochastic shocks to agriculture, food security, human health, and economies while providing key principles, case studies and actionable strategies for achieving food system resilience and equity.  

“Many excel at pointing out the shortcomings of our current global food system, but now is the time for concrete pathways to addressing the current and future challenges,” says Noa. “So please join us. We have an amazing lineup of guest editors.”

Read the full Research Topic.

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