Red-Blooded and Proud

  • 28 March 2018
  • Author: Anonym
  • Number of views: 7073
Red-Blooded and Proud

CTAHR recently held its annual Blood Drive in the Campus Center Ballroom. The drive garnered 54 blood donations, more than the goal! Nearly half were from CTAHR folks, and 22 were from first-time donors. With each donation able to save up to three people, the college’s efforts can save 158 lives from this drive alone! This was also the first time the drive tried out the “Max Red” donation machine, which collects double the red blood cells in a single appointment while returning the platelets and plasma from the blood back to the donor. Red blood cells are the most frequently used blood component, needed by almost every type of patient requiring transfusion. Big mahalos go to Dunkin’ Donuts for providing free coffee coupons, the UH Bookstore for its coupons promising 15% off a UH logo item, Sodexo for providing $5 lunch vouchers, the ASAO office for sponsoring this life-saving event, and the selfless donors. Congratulations to the CTAHR Student Ambassador committee and Blood Bank of Hawaii for putting together this successful event! Make sure you come out to the next drive!

Categories: CTAHR NOTES