Stay Home Through June

Employees directed to continue working from home unless otherwise instructed

  • 22 May 2020
  • Author: Anonym
  • Number of views: 4347
Stay Home Through June

UH President David Lassner thanked UH employees for “rising to the challenge of this unprecedented semester” in an email sent Wednesday, May 20. He directed, “Unless you have been advised otherwise by your supervisor, you should continue your current work arrangements during the month of June. Decisions on working arrangements are being made at the unit level. Employees who may want to return to work or are asked to return will only be allowed to do so when safe practices are in place. Please continue to use the online leave system to indicate if you are working from home by selecting the ‘COVID-19 Work From Home’ option.”

He also noted, “UH and all of our campuses are actively working over the summer to develop plans, utilizing the best guidance available, to create safer working environments for all employees and students during a fall semester that will include both on-campus instruction and heavy usage of online technologies.”

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