Pau Hana With the Cattlemen

Extension brings together livestock producers on coronavirus solutions

  • 23 April 2020
  • Author: Anonym
  • Number of views: 9728
Pau Hana With the Cattlemen

CTAHR Extension and the Hawaii Cattlemen’s Council are partnering on a series of informal virtual talks with local cattle producers about the impact of COVID-19 on their livestock operations. The goal of the Livestock Producers Pau Hana is to foster communication, increase collaboration, and strengthen the Hawai‘i livestock industry as farmers and ranchers endure and emerge from the economic crisis.

The April 14 Livestock Producers Pau Hana session was a great success, drawing over 30 participants from every Hawai‘i county. Topics included livestock transportation, low cattle prices, and the closing of Mainland processing facilities.

Beginning April 28, the Pau Hana will be held every two weeks, starting at 5:00 pm via Zoom. A one-time registration gives you access to all scheduled sessions through August 18. Registrants will receive a confirmation email with information about joining the meeting.

Those with any questions can contact range and livestock Extension specialist Mark Thorne at thornem@hawaii.edu or 808-887-6183, or HCC managing director Nicole Galase at nicole@hicattle.org.
