Future Farmer

TAE first-year student takes a prize

  • 26 November 2019
  • Author: Anonym
  • Number of views: 3936
Future Farmer

Chynna Chun, a freshman in the Tropical Agriculture & Environment (TAE) major and the treasurer for the Hawai‘i chapter of the Future Farmers of America (FFA), recently competed at the 92nd National FFA Convention in Indianapolis with a group of other Hawai‘i FFA members.

For her competition event, Prepared Public Speaking, she competed with the best-prepared public-speaking competitors in the nation. She triumphed with a bronze medal for her 7-minute speech on the importance of advocating for Hawai‘i agricultural issues, including food insecurity, unused farmlands, and the lack of young farmers in the state. Bronson Azama, FFA’s current Hawai‘i state president and a senior at Castle High School, also competed at nationals and won a bronze for his extemporaneous public speaking event.

Not only that, but Hawai‘i FFA made history with the first female ever to place first for any competition at the national level! It was high time, since this was National FFA's 50th year of allowing women to join this empowering organization. The win was even more exciting since Hawai‘i hasn’t had any member place first in over 60 years! And that student was only a freshman, at Waipahu High. She and her team competed in agriscience events that showcased their projects about using bokashi.
