T-Shirt Art International Exhibition

Student designs are exhibited at international art museum

  • 4 September 2019
  • Author: Anonym
  • Number of views: 4809
T-Shirt Art International Exhibition

Casual wardrobe staple or work of art? For these FDM 338 students, it’s both! In Ju-Young Kang’s 2D/3D Computer-Aided Design class, students created Hawaiian-inspired T-shirt prints using Adobe Photoshop/Illustrator, featuring such iconic images as sand and surf, pineapples and palm trees, tropical flowers and Waikiki panoramas. Twelve of the designs, by nine FDM students, were accepted for presentation and exhibited at the 2019 7th annual T-Shirt International Exhibition at the Gyo Dong Museum of Art in South Korea. Eighty-seven college students and professors from five countries participated in this annual international invited fashion exhibition.

Congratulations to Dana Rambo, Doris Kung, Jaron Aquino, Julie Sakai, Juliette Puplava, Kylie Morrow, Liane Kwon, Randie Cole, and Sandy Chong for their achievement!

FDM 338 teaches students about 2D fashion illustrations, flats, digital T-shirt printing design, 3D virtual garment designs, and 3D virtual fashion shows using Optitex.

Check out a slide show of the T-shirt designs here
