Award of Merit

Emeritus professor wins award

  • 17 October 2019
  • Author: Anonym
  • Number of views: 4126
Award of Merit

Many congratulations to Emeritus Professor Richard Criley (TPSS), who was recently awarded the IPPS Western Region’s most prestigious award at the organization’s annual banquet. The Curtis J. Alley Award of Merit is presented to a Western Region member who has made an outstanding contribution to the Society and to plant propagation and who is dedicated to the ideals of the Society. The award is named in honor of Curtis J. Alley, a longtime member and former secretary/treasurer of the Western Region. 

The International Plant Propagators’ Society (IPPS) is an international association of plant production professionals. The Society provides a forum for sharing plant production knowledge with the aim of improving the professionalism, knowledge, and skills of its members. IPSS has developed into the leading global plant production knowledge network, with a worldwide membership of over 1,600 members who have the opportunity to meet regularly on regional and international levels by attending educational conferences, tours, field days, and workshops.

Dedicated horticulture professor Rich Criley is famed as a plumeria propagator and breeder and has recently created a series of Extension publications on alternative trees that are useful for different landscaping needs in Hawai‘i, such as for windbreaks or close to the ocean. 
