New Produce and How to Eat It

Come to the delicious Variety Showcase

  • 5 November 2019
  • Author: Anonym
  • Number of views: 8023
New Produce and How to Eat It

CTAHR’s beginning farmer-training program GoFarm Hawai‘i is teaming up with the Culinary Breeding Network to present the second annual Variety Showcase. Hosted by the Kapi’olani Community College Culinary Arts Program in collaboration with CTAHR, Hawaiian Seed Growers Network, and Farm Link Hawaii, it will feature unique and in-development fruits, vegetables, grains, and animal products along with traditional favorites, presented by those who grow them. This one-of-a-kind mixer allows plant breeders, researchers, new and established farmers, ranchers, fishers, food artisans, and everyday eaters to get to know each other and build connections. Come down to the newly refurbished Ohi‘a Cafeteria at KCC on Monday, November 25—register here

Jay Bost, farm coach and site manager for GoFarm, says that at this year’s event attendees should be on the lookout for veteran farm-to-table culinary innovators like “Ed Kenny of the Town group, Jenn Hee of Juicy Brew, and Mark Nagouchi[, who] have all been steadfast pioneers in supporting small local farmers, along with other chefs who are increasingly moving in this direction, like Chefs Jared Suekawa and Joseph Almoguera of Prince Waikiki.” 

This year, the showcase is reaching beyond fruit and vegetable growers to add “animal husbandry folks, aquaculturists, fish purveyors, mushroom cultivators, and cheese makers.” Bost can’t wait for the event, and for one special dish he’s hoping will make a return appearance: “Last year’s food was all delicious, but I am haunted by the Greengold Avocado Tahitian Lime Pie.” Sounds ‘ono! But then, with all these amazing raw materials to work with, how can you go wrong? 
