Relevant Research

Aquaculture center looks to link industry partners with researchers

  • 14 February 2020
  • Author: Anonym
  • Number of views: 4692
Relevant Research

Cheng-Sheng Lee, the director of the Center for Tropical and Subtropical Aquaculture housed within CTAHR, recently sent out his letter from the director in the CTSA’s monthly newsletter. In it he discusses the Center’s meeting of its Board of Directors, which reviewed recently completed and ongoing CTSA projects, finalized their plan of work for the just-completed fiscal year, and discussed issues of crucial importance to the state’s and the region’s aquaculture industries.

One of the most pressing, he explains, is “how can we combine our efforts to advance both aquaculture research and the commercialization of the industry in the Pacific Islands?” In other words, is the research that’s being done helping those in the industry with what they need to know? Or does it have future applications? The board was heartened by the employment of several new Extension agents in the region, who will be crucial to the Center’s success.

Another important subject was cost-effective feeds production. He writes, “Our program has supported several projects in recent years to catalog, analyze, and utilize local ingredients in aquatic feed formulations. … we have many viable, high quality ingredients, and our researchers are developing innovative ways to create and use them. The valuable information obtained through these projects has yet to be applied in actual feed production. Without any major feed manufacturing operations in Hawai‘i, the question remains: is it truly feasible and sustainable to produce feeds on a commercial scale locally, and if not, what is the value of continuing local feeds research?”

Lucky for aquaculture producers and researchers in the region that Cheng-Sheng and the CTSA’s board are on the job! Read his letter here.
