Working Together for Aquaculture

CTSA director highlights the need for common goals

  • 4 September 2019
  • Author: Anonym
  • Number of views: 3608
Working Together for Aquaculture

The latest newsletter from the Center for Tropical and Subtropical Aquaculture is out! In his Letter from the Director, Cheng-Sheng Lee outlines the importance of teamwork and collaboration, which he identifies as a top priority of his. That’s not surprising, since in the ocean, everything is interconnected, and what happens to one group of organisms always affects the others.

He discusses his recent trip to the Marshal Islands to view the important collaborative work in Majuro to provide training for Marshallese aquaculture technicians, and his attendance at the World Laureates Sanya Forum in Hainan, China, where he gave a presentation about the CTSA’s work in Hawai‘i and the U.S.-affiliated Pacific Islands. During the forum, Nobel Prize laureate Dr. Randy Schekman called for “science without boundaries” and promoted cooperation as essential for success, while at the end of his own presentation, Cheng-Sheng included this quote from Kate Vitasek: “Innovation and collaboration are not an “either-or” proposition, but rather are intimately linked.” 

Read the rest of the letter here
