New Faces: Lynn Takahara and Darren Park

Stop by Cooperative Extension and ADSC to say Aloha!

  • 24 June 2019
  • Author: Anonym
  • Number of views: 12322
New Faces: Lynn Takahara and Darren Park

Lynn Takahara began as the secretary in the Office of the Associate Dean & Associate Director for Extension on June 17. She previously worked at the Honolulu Fire Department, where she served the fire chief. She’s also working on decluttering her surroundings and learning to embrace minimalism—a worthy goal in Hawai‘i, land of the storage unit. She shared a good tip from tidying and organizing expert Marie Kondo: to respectfully thank items you’re no longer using—and then discard them.

Darren Park (pictured) began on June 19 as the new manager for CTAHR’s Agricultural Diagnostic Service Center. He comes to the college from the Department of Health, where he served as the coordinator/manager for the Office of Solid Waste Management, tasked with managing personnel, facilities, budget, and operations…including the HI-5 bottle and can redemption program that has helped to clean up our roadsides and public areas. He also has experience in laboratories and diagnostics gained through his work in UH’s Cancer Center.

Please welcome these folks to CTAHR when you meet them!
