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  • Watch the story of mycelium growth under the sorghum mulch here VIDEO

    Sorghum Mulch
  • Impact of soil health on soil water

  • Graduate student Josiah Marquez evaluates soil health

  • Beauvaria bassiana and Metarhizium anisopliae in no-till.

  • Conservation agriculture.



Wang, K.-H., Archana Pant, Jari Sugano, and Jensen Uyeda. 2015-2018. Improving water use efficiency through no-till cover cropping and solarization. NRCS CIG.

Wang, K.-H., C.R.R. Hooks, B.S. Sipes, J. Sugano, and A. Arakaki. 2010-2012. Using conservation tillage and cover crop mixtures to enhance natural enemies of nematode pests. TSTAR $160,902.

Kolb, Hooks, Lekveishvili, Wang, Tubene. 2011-2013. The Influence of Cover Crops and Tillage on Soil Quality, Greenhouse Gas Emissions, Pest Community Dynamics, and Economics of Fields Transitioning to Organic Farming. NIFA ORG. $195,000.

Wang, K.-H., C. R. R.Hooks, B.S. Sipes, et al. 2008-2010. Rehabilitating Ex-urea and ex-nematicide addicts: Demonstrating how a green manure/solarization system can be used to improve soil health while maintaining pineapple productivity. NRCS CIG $75,000.

Wang, K.-H., C.R.R. Hooks, a et al. 2008-2011. Sunn hemp and its allelopathic compounds for vegetable production in Hawaii and beyond. Western SARE $156,105.

Leary, J. K., K.-H. Wang, et al. 2008-2010. Promoting adaptive management with ‘Tropic Sun’ sunn hemp (Crotolaria juncea) in Hawaii for ecological strategies in weed control, nematode suppression and nutrient management. Western SARE $53,768.

Hooks, C.R.R., and K.-H. Wang. 2008-2009. Improving and extending the superhero status of the sunn hemp to other growers in need. Western SARE $10,000.

Wang, K.-H., Hooks, C.R.R., B.S. Sipes. 2007-2010. Solarization and Cover Crop as Alternatives to Soil Fumigants for Hawaii Pineapple Growers.U.S. EPA Region 9. $90,000.

Hooks, C.R.R., K.-H. Wang et al. 2006-2010. Using cover crops to build an ecologically based pest management program for vegetable production. USDA (CSREES), Crop at Risk. $146,032.

Hooks, C.R.R., K. Chandara, D. Fallon, and K.-H. Wang. 2005-2007. A superhero without a cape: Using the cover crop sunn hemp to feed the soil, suppress nematodes and smother weeds. Western Region SARE (Farmers / Ranchers project) $7,716 .



Book Chapter

Wang, K.-H. and C. R.R. Hooks. 2011. Chapter 4: Managing soil health and soil health bioindicators through the use of cover crops and other sustainable practices. In: G.E. Brust (ed.) MD Organic Vegetable Growers.

Selected Publications

To access PDF files of my publications, please visit my Research Gate at

  • Quintanilla-Tornel, M.A., K.-H. Wang, J. Tavares, C.R.R. Hooks. 2016. Effects of mulching on above and below ground pests and beneficials in a green onion agroecosystem. Agriculture, Ecosystems, & Environment 224: 75-85. ((
  • Wang, K.-H., T. Radovich, A. Pant, and Z. Cheng. 2014. Integration of cover crops and vermicompost tea for soil and plant health management in a short-term vegetable cropping system. Applied Soil Ecology 82: 26-37.
  • Hinds, J., K.-H. Wang, S. P. Marahatta, S. L.F. Meyer, and C. R.R. Hooks. 2013. Investigating the influence of sunn hemp cover cropping and organic fertilizer on the nematode community in a zucchini cropping system.  Journal of Nematology 45:265-271.
  • Ferris, H., B. S. Griffiths, D. L. Porazinska, T. O. Powers, K.-H. Wang, and M. Tenuta. 2012. Reflections on plant and soil nematode ecology: Past, present and future. Journal of Nematology 44: 115-126.
  • Wang, K.-H., C.R.R. Hooks, and S.P. Marahatta. 2011. Can using a strip-tilled living mulch system enhance organisms higher up in the soil food web hierarchy? Applied Soil Ecology 49: 107-117 (doi:10.1016/j.apsoil.2011.06.008).
  • Marahatta, S. P., K.-H. Wang, B.S. Sipes, and C.R.R. Hooks. 2010. Strip-till cover cropping for managing nematodes, soil microarthropods and weeds in a bitter melon agroecosystem. Journal of Nematology 42: 111-119.
  • Wang, K.-H. and R. McSorley. 2005. Effect of soil ecosystem management on nematode pests, nutrient cycling, and plant health. APSnet Plant Pathology Online, St. Paul, MN. Jan 19, 2005.
  • Wang, K.-H., R. McSorley, R. N.Gallaher, N. Kokalis-Burelle. 2008. Cover crops and organic mulches for nematode, weed, and plant health management. Nematology 10: 231-242.
  • Wang, K.-H., R. McSorley, N. Kokalis-Burelle. 2006. Effects of cover cropping, solarization, and soil fumigation on nematode communities. Plant and Soil 286: 229-243.





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