

Eucalyptus robusta

(syn. E. multiflora), robusta eucalyptus, swamp mahogany, swamp messmate, beakpod eucalyptus

  • Family Myrtaceae.
  • Native to Southeastern Australia.
  • Special areas in Hawaii: Wahiawa, Aiea, Kalopa, Tantalus, Pepeekeo. Photo of large trees from Kalopa, Hawaii.
  • Introduced to Hawaii around 1900. Most commonly planted reforestation species in the state.
  • Wood used for house siding, framing and flooring, pallets, irrigation canal stakes and craft pulp.
  • Weed Risk Assessment Score: 3 (low risk)

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Eucalyptus robusta leaf and bark Eucalyptus robusta leaves and flowers Eucalyptus robusta seed capsules Eucalyptus robusta stand Euc_robusta_lumber

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