Environmental Quality Incentives Program (EQIP)
Administering Agency: USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS)
Purpose: Priority resource concerns pertinent to forestry include: (1) sedimentation from accelerated erosion; (2) noxious weeds; (3) at-risk species habitat; (4) invasive species.
Land Eligibility: Private or State owned land 5-10+ year lease: cropland, rangeland, pasture, forest, other farm or ranch land. Producers must self-certify control of land and be able to demonstrate control via lease, other agreement, tax lot information, or Farm Service Agency records if chosen for a quality assurance review.
Incentive: Up to 75% cost-share, up to 90% for historically underserved producers.
Time Frame: 3-year cost-share agreements.
Other Requirements: Non-industrial private forest landowners eligible. Grantee to obtain any necessary permits.