

Cedrela odorata

(syn. Cedrela dugesii, Cedrela guianensis, Cedrela mexicana, Cedrela occidentalis, Cedrela sintenisii), Spanish cedar, West Indian cedar, cigar box cedar, cedarwood

  • Family Meliaceae.
  • Native throughout the Caribbean, Central and South America.
  • Wood used for light construction, posts, building timber, carpentry, joinery, wall panelling, fences, containers, woodware, cutlery, musical instruments, turnery, furniture, veneers, boats, wood based material, plywood, particle board.
  • Weed Risk Assessment Score: 7 (HIGH RISK) NOT RECOMMENDED for introduction to new areas in Hawaii or the Pacific.

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Cedrela odorata plantation Cedrela odorata trees Cedrela odorata seed capsule and bark Cedrela odorata wood

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