Cooperative Extension (Coop Ext)
Forestry & Agroforestry Trees
Education & Outreach
Forestry Links
Forestry Pests & Diseases
Koa Wilt
Koa Moth
Myrtle / Guava / Ohia rust (Austropuccina or Puccina)
Myoporum thrips
Rapid 'Ohi'a Death
Forestry Incentive Programs
Forestry Workshops
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Forestry Publications
CTAHR Forestry Extension Publications
CTAHR Forestry Bibliography
Koa References
Koa Symposium Proceedings 2016
Koa Symposium Proceedings 1996
Common Forest Trees of Hawaii
Cooperative Extension (Coop Ext)
Forestry & Agroforestry Trees
Education & Outreach
Forestry Links
Forestry Pests & Diseases
Koa Wilt
Koa Moth
Myrtle / Guava / Ohia rust (Austropuccina or Puccina)
Myoporum thrips
Rapid 'Ohi'a Death
Forestry Incentive Programs
Forestry Workshops
Forestry Videos
Forestry Publications
CTAHR Forestry Extension Publications
CTAHR Forestry Bibliography
Koa References
Koa Symposium Proceedings 2016
Koa Symposium Proceedings 1996
Common Forest Trees of Hawaii
Aleurites moluccana
Aleurites javanica, Aleurites remyi, Aleurites triloba, Jatropha moluccana
), kukui, candlenut tree, tutui, varnish tree, candleberry tree, lumbang (Guam), sakan (Palau), lama (Samoa), Indian or Belgium walnut
Family Euphorbiaceae.
Native to Malaysia.
Special areas in Hawaii: Keahua, Waimea Arboretum, Foster, Tantalus, Haleakala.
Wood previously used for lightweight canoes and fishnet floats, multiple uses of oil from the seed.
Weed Risk Assessment Score
12 (High) However the tree is a pre-Western introduction to Hawaii and other Pacific Islands.
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If you require information in an alternative format, please contact us at: jbfriday@hawaii.edu