Associate Professor
Phone: 956-2231
Consumer behavior in digital commerce (AI applications, metaverse, NFTs, 3D virtual technology/ virtual reality, augmented reality, etc.)
International/National Awards
2022 ITAA Paper of Distinction Award, Culture Track. International Textile and Apparel Association, Denver, CO.
2018 Optitex: University Design Award. International Textiles and Apparel Association, Cleveland, OH.
2017 ITAA Paper of Distinction Award, Consumer Behavior Track. International Textile and Apparel Association, St. Petersburg, FL.
2016 SFTI Best Poster Presentation Award. The Society of Fashion and Textile Industry, Honolulu, HI.
2014 ITAA Paper of Distinction Award, Consumer Behavior Track. International Textile and Apparel Association, Charlotte, NC.
2012 ITAA Best Paper Award, Doctoral level 1st place. International Textiles and Apparel Association, Honolulu, HI.
2011 ITAA Sara Douglas Fellowship for Professional Promise Award, Doctoral level. International Textiles and Apparel Association, Philadelphia, PA.
2011 ACRA Best Paper Award. American Collegiate Retailing Association, Boston, MA.
Selected Publications: Refereed Journal Publications (2014-Present)
Research Gate | ORCID | Google Scholar
Kang, J. Y. M., Lee, J. Y., Choi, D., & Koo, S. H. (2024). Artificial intelligence-powered chatbots in the fashion sector: The Affect-Behavior-Cognition model of attitudes. Family and Consumer Sciences Research Journal. 53(1), 5-24. [ESCI; Scopus]
Kang, J. Y. M., & Lin, S. (2024). Building three-dimensional virtual historic fashion museum exhibitions: From the perspective of technology affordances. Clothing and Textiles Research Journal. [Impact factor (2024): 2.4; Scopus]
Chung, J., Tang, W., Yoon, J. E., Ha, S., Kang, J. Y. M., & Koo, S. H. (2024). Design guidelines for movement-assistive clothing based on a comprehensive understanding of older adults’ needs and preferences. PLOS ONE, 19(3), 1-17. [Impact factor (2024): 2.9; SCIE; Scopus]
Lee, J. Y., Kang, J. Y. M., & Park, K. H. (2023). Because it is green or unique? Exploring consumers’ perceptions of unique types of sustainable packaging, store evaluation, and store patronage. Journal of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles, 47(6), 1113-1136. [Scopus; KCI]
Kang, J. Y. M., & Choi, D. (2023). Artificial intelligence-powered digital solutions in the fashion industry: A mixed-methods study on AI-based customer services. International Journal of Fashion Design, Technology and Education.17(2), 162-176. [Impact factor (2023): 1.9 from Google; Scopus]
Choi, D, Kang, J. Y. M., Kim, J., & Lee, H. K. (2023). Self-sexualization in relation to sexual harassment and body shame. Sexuality & Culture, 27, 1894-1914. [Impact factor (2022): 1.50 from Google; Scopus]
Kang, J. Y. M., Kim, J. E., Lee, J. Y., & Lin, S. (2022). How mobile augmented reality digitally transforms the retail sector: Examining trust in augmented reality apps and online/offline store patronage intention. Journal of Fashion Marketing and Management, 27(1), 161-181. [Impact factor (2021): 4.18 from Clarivate Analytics; ABDC Journal List: Rank B; SSCI; Scopus]
Lin, S, Boorady, L., & Kang, J. Y. M., (2022). Experiencing body scan and computer simulation virtual fitting. International Journal of Computer Trends & Technology. 70(7), 21-29. Impact factor (2021): 3.29 from SJIF.
Kang, J. Y. M. (2019). What drives omnichannel shopping behaviors?: Fashion Lifestyle of Social-Local-Mobile Consumers. Journal of Fashion Marketing and Management, 23(2), 224-238. [Cited by 115 Journals; Impact factor (2021): 4.18 from Clarivate Analytics; ABDC Journal List: Rank B; SSCI; Scopus]
Kim, J. E., Lloyd, S., Adebeshin, K., & Kang, J. Y. M. (2019). Decoding fashion advertising symbolism in masstige and luxury brands. Journal of Fashion Marketing and Management, 23(1), 1361-2026. [Impact factor (2021): 4.18 from Clarivate Analytics; ABDC Journal List: Rank B; SSCI; Scopus]
Kang, J. Y. M. (2018). Showrooming, webrooming, and user-generated content creation in the Omnichannel Era. Journal of Internet Commerce,17(2), 145-169 [Cited by 177 Journals; Impact factor (2022): 3.89 from Google; ABDC Journal List: Rank B; Scopus]
Lin, S, Johnson, R. R., & Kang, J. Y. M. (2018). Fitting simulation evaluation on personalized avatars. Journal of Textile Engineering & Fashion Technology, 4(2), 123-128.
Kang, J. Y. M. & Kim, J. (2017). Online customer relationship marketing tactics through social media and perceived customer retention orientation of the green retailer. Journal of Fashion Marketing and Management, 21(3), 298-316 [Cited by 88 Journals; Impact factor (2021): 4.18 from Clarivate Analytics; ABDC Journal List: Rank B; SSCI; Scopus]
Kang, J. Y. M. (2017). Customer interface design for customer co-creation in the social era. Computers in Human Behavior, 73, 554-567 [Impact factor (2022): 6.829 from Elsevier & Google; ABDC Journal List: Rank A; SSCI; Scopus]
Kang, J. Y. M. & Kim, J. (2016). Effect of perceived luxuriousness on brand equity. The Research Journal of the Costume Culture, 24(5), 697-708.
Kang, J. Y. M., & Johnson, K. K. P. (2015). F-Commerce platform for apparel online social shopping: Testing a Mowen’s 3M Model. International Journal of Information Management. 35, 691-701. [Cited by 97 Journals; Impact factor (2022): 14.09; ABDC Journal List: Rank A*; SSCI; Scopus]
Kim, J., & Kang, J. Y. M. (2015). Investigation of the role of proximity of clothing to self-anticipating risky appearance management behaviors. International Journal of Fashion Design, Technology and Education, 8(3), 235-242. [Impact factor (2023): 1.9 from Google; Scopus]
Kang, J. Y. M., & Johnson, K. K. P. (2015). Positive word-of-mouth for mobile location-based service retail apps usage. International Journal of Mobile Communications, 13(6), 599-618. [Impact factor (2022): 1.52 from Google; SSCI; Scopus]
Wu, J., Kang, J. Y. M., Kim, H. Y., & Johnson, K. K. P. (2015). MC 2.0: Testing an apparel co-design experience model. Journal of Fashion Marketing and Management, 19(1), 69-86. [Impact factor (2021): 4.18 from Clarivate Analytics; ABDC Journal List: Rank B; SSCI; Scopus]
Kang, J. Y. M., Mun, J., & Johnson, K. K. P. (2015). In-store mobile usage: Downloading and usage intention toward mobile location-based retail apps. Computers in Human Behavior, 46, 210-217. [Cited by 314 journals; impact factor (2022): 6.829 from Elsevier & Google; ABDC Journal List: Rank A; SSCI; Scopus]
Kang, J. Y. M. (2014). Augmented reality and motion capture apparel e-shopping values and usage intention. International Journal of Clothing Science and Technology, 26(6), 486-499. [4-year Impact factor: 1.143 from SCI journal; SCIE; Scopus]
Kang, J. Y. M. (2014). Repurchase loyalty for customer social co-creation e-marketplaces. Journal of Fashion Marketing and Management, 18(4), 452-464. [Impact factor (2021): 4.18 from Clarivate Analytics; ABDC Journal List: Rank B; SSCI; Scopus]
Kim, H. Y., Johnson, K. K. P., Kang, J. Y. M., & Lee, J. Y. (2014). Latino retail entrepreneurship in Minnesota: Implications for extension educators. Journal of Human Sciences and Extension, 2(1), 99-101.
Kang, J. Y. M., Johnson, K. K. P., & Wu, J. (2014). Consumer style inventory and intent to social shop online for apparel using social networking sites. Journal of Fashion Marketing and Management, 18(3), 301-320. [Cited by 101 Journals; Impact factor (2021): 4.18 from Clarivate Analytics; ABDC Journal List: Rank B; SSCI; Scopus]
3D virtual technology/fashion CAD/CAM; consumer behavior research related to digital commerce