9 September 2020

$$$ for Undergraduate Research

Info sessions will be held tomorrow (Thursday) and Friday

$$$ for Undergraduate Research

Note to self... get UH to support my research! Thatʻs right, every year, UHM provides $400,000 in project and presentation funding directly to undergraduate students to engage in research and creative work

Currently, the UHM Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program is accepting applications for project funding and encourages all undergraduate students from all disciplines at UH Mānoa to apply.

For detailed information on funding opportunities, please attend an online UROP information session on Sept. 10 at 12:00 pm, or Sept. 11th at 12:30. Registration is required and open for students, staff, and faculty. Learn more; visit the UROP office.


FCS Department

2515 Campus Road
Miller Hall 110

Honolulu, HI 96822

phone: 808-956-8105

fax: 808-956-2239



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