28 October 2019

Are You a County Administrator?

The search is underway to fill important positions on Kaua‘i and O‘ahu

Are You a County Administrator?

In CTAHR, each county has its own administrator, who operates and maintains research stations and Extension offices, supervises clerical staff and research station farm managers, and organizes faculty and staff in that county toward accomplishing the college’s mission.

It’s a big job, one that’s ably filled on the Big Island by Susan Miyasaka and on Maui by Cindy Reeves. Kaua‘i was equally well served by Russell Messing and O‘ahu by Ray Uchida, but with their retirement, two important positions are open. Luckily, the search is now underway to fill them!

For a full description of the job responsibilities, here’s the advertisement for the O‘ahu county administrator, and one for the Kaua‘i county administrator.

Please feel free to share the links with interested and qualified individuals. Pictured are the happy goats of the Kaua‘i Research Station, one of the responsibilities of the Kaua‘i county administrator.


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Miller Hall 110

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