28 October 2019

Fangs for the Blood!

Sign up for the CTAHR Blood Drive

Fangs for the Blood!

If you’ve got any leftover blood to spare after being visited by the vampires on Halloween, consider donating it to a good cause at the CTAHR Blood Drive coming up on Tuesday, November 19! It runs from 8:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. (not 3:30, as indicated on flyer), and it’s in QLC 411/412. Sign up to donate here.

Every day, the Blood Bank of Hawai‘i needs more than 200 pints of blood to supply to the 18 hospitals across the state, and they struggle to meet that need. Only 2% of Hawai‘i’s population donates blood, yet over 60% of the state’s residents will need a blood product in their lifetimes. It’s pretty easy to see that those numbers don’t add up! Add to that, the loyal 2% of consistent lifetime donors is aging out, so it’s even more important for the next generation to step up and fill that void.

You can be part of this next generation! New donors will have the opportunity to donate among their peers, where they will feel supported and comfortable, and current donors get another convenient option for donating. Thanks to our annual blood drive, CTAHR has historically been among UHM’s biggest donors. The goal for this drive is to get 72 donors signed up!

If you sign up before October 31, you can stop by the CTAHR Academic and Student Affairs Office to pick up a coupon for a FREE doughnut from Dunkin—just show your appointment confirmation at the front desk, across from Gilmore 117. Also, as a friendly competition, the CTAHR department with the most donors will earn a special party (food included!) hosted by the CTAHR student ambassadors and sponsored by ASAO.

Donors will receive thank you gifts, food, and other treats at the blood drive, plus the satisfaction of knowing theyʻve helped to save a life! Even if you cannot donate blood, you can still help out by spreading the word and encouraging your friends and classmates to come and donate!


FCS Department

2515 Campus Road
Miller Hall 110

Honolulu, HI 96822

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