Applying Pesticides Correctly: Private Applicator Supplement

The following items make up the booklet titled “Applying Pesticides Correctly: Private Applicator Supplement.” By itself, this manual does not make up a complete study packet. Be sure to study the other booklets and leaflets that make up the rest of the study packet for your certification category.

Introduction --  You don't need to study the "Introduction" section because there are no questions about it in the pesticide certification exams given by the Hawaii Department of Agriculture.

Unit 1: Pests and Pest Control


Unit 2: Calculating Dilutions and Site Size


Unit 3: Application Equipment


Unit 4: Calibration


Unit 5: Laws and Regulations

QUESTIONS OR PROBLEMS WITH THIS WEBPAGE? This on-line version is made and maintained in our office at the University of Hawaii's Manoa campus located in Honolulu, Hawaii. To comment, make suggestions, ask questions, or report any problems with this website, please contact Mark Dragich, EMAIL:, TELEPHONE: (808) 956-6008, MAIL: P.E.P.S. Dept., 3190 Maile Way Room 017B, Honolulu, Hawaii 96822.