There are lots of varieties of won bok, also known as Napa cabbage. But which are the best for growing in Hawai‘i’s soils and microclimates, and, just as important, which make the best kimchi? You can get the answers at the Won Bok Variety Trial Field Day, which will be conveniently coupled with a Hands-On Kimchi Workshop.
- Date: Monday, May 6
- Time: 1:00–2:30 p.m.
- Location: Pearl City Urban Garden Center
- Register here.
Learn about the different varieties available and a few ways to add value as well as preserve these vegetables.The workshop will cover won bok cabbage variety selection, vegetable preservation science, hands-on kimchi making, and hands-on vegetable pickling. Speakers will be Extension agent Jensen Uyeda and Dr. Lauren Tamamoto of the KCC Culinary Innovation Center. Space is limited, so be sure to register. There’s a fee of $10 per person.