Akihito Scholar 21 December 2017

Akihito Scholar

Molecular Biosciences and Bioengineering graduate student Rob Oda has been awarded the highly competitive Crown Prince Akihito Scholarship.

Aquaponics and Health 21 December 2017

Aquaponics and Health

CTAHR Community Coordinator Ilima Ho-Lastimosa is part of a multidisciplinary effort to address health disparities thorough backyard aquaponics.

Maui County Awardees 21 December 2017

Maui County Awardees

Maui County Extension celebrated its 2017 award winners — Secretary Clarisse Baisa, to left in lei, for service to faculty and staff, and Research Technician Edwin Perez, at right in cap, winner of the Administrator’s Award.
Congratulations Shirley Han! 21 December 2017

Congratulations Shirley Han!

Office Assistant Shirley Han, left, was recognized for her service to the Molokai Cooperative Extension staff at a December 2017 lunch hosted by Maui County Administrator Cynthia Reeves (in red).
Popular Paper 7 December 2017

Popular Paper

Molecular Biosciences and Biological Engineering graduate student Fernanda Oliveira’s assessment of environmental application of biochar was one of the Bioresource Technology journal’s most downloaded papers. 


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