Poster Faculty 30 October 2017

Poster Faculty

Two posters co-authored by Associate Professor Samir Khanal received outstanding poster awards at the 2017 International Water Association World Conference on Anaerobic Digestion in Beijing—both placing in the top 20 of nearly 600 poster presentations.

The Dirt on Carbon 30 October 2017

The Dirt on Carbon

Undisturbed soil can store more carbon than plants and the atmosphere combined, Natural Resources and Environmental Management’s Susan Crow told radio listeners in a recent interview.

Ag Career Update 30 October 2017

Ag Career Update

Tropical Plant and Soil Sciences alumnus Mark Dragich, an agricultural research associate at Monsanto, credits CTAHR plant pathology and entomology faculty for giving him the skills and experience to lead a field technology implementation team.

Creditable Job 30 October 2017

Creditable Job

Fashion Design and Merchandising Associate Professor Andy Reilly has been appointed to the Board of Commissioners for the Textile and Apparel Programs Accrediting Commission.

Surfer Biome 30 October 2017

Surfer Biome

Molecular Biosciences and Bioengineering alumnus Cliff Kapono has made national headlines for the Surfer Biome project he created as a PhD candidate at UC San Diego.


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