The Seeds of a Career

  • 15 March 2019
  • Author: Anonym
  • Number of views: 5790
The Seeds of a Career

Western Pacific Seeds, Inc., a small but rapidly growing independent seed company, is seeking a full-time vegetable seed assistant. Job responsibilities include caring for vegetable plants (preparing potting media, filling flats and pots, planting seeds, potting plants, watering and fertilizing); staking, pruning, and tying plants; collecting pollen and pollinating flowers; picking fruits; cleaning, treating, and packaging seeds; cleanup (sweeping, emptying pots, and composting plant material); and assisting with minor construction projects. Occasionally the employee may assist with field planting of transplants at other locations on O‘ahu.

The position involves physical labor, including the ability to lift 40 lbs, repetitious bending and stooping, moving hoses and carrying flats and 3-gallon pots. Many tasks are conducted in a greenhouse or outdoors.

Work hours are 7:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., Monday through Friday, and sometimes additional overtime. Employee benefits include health insurance. Entry-level pay is $17.00 per hour, with great potential for advancement.

The company sells vegetable seeds to commercial farmers in Hawai‘i, on the Mainland, and internationally. They breed new vegetable hybrids near Hale‘iwa on the North Shore of O‘ahu, where they do hand pollinations in a greenhouse, seed cleaning, and seed storage.

You can apply for this position by sending an email with your contact information and a resume with relevant education and work experience to jscott@wpsvegetableseed.com. Interviews will be conducted in person.


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