Poi Parfaits Anyone?

Kapolei H.S. students conclude HNFAS tour by making a delicious treat

Poi Parfaits Anyone?

What’s the best way to conclude a tour of CTAHR? Judging from the happy faces of Kapolei High School students, it’s by receiving a sweet and nutritional treat. 

On Friday, February 24, the group of youths who are potentially matriculating to UH visited various colleges on the Mānoa campus, concluding their field trip with Lara Hackney of the Food Science & Human Nutrition program and Christina Young, a PhD student in Nutritional Sciences, both from the Dept. of Human Nutrition, Food and Animal Sciences.

The Kapolei H.S. students “learned about FSHN classes that utilize the lab, as well as the nutrition of Native Hawaiian cultural staple foods,” said Christina, who helped them “build” poi parfaits by adding various fruits and granola to mix in, and of course enjoying them with fruit-infused water. 

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