College Strategic Positioning Plan

What's the latest for October?

College Strategic Positioning Plan

Lots of planning has been going on behind the scenes to prepare for all of the events coming up in the next few weeks. Meetings, site visits, phone calls, emails galore! You name it, it's all been happening – all so that we can bring the following events to you. Hope to see YOU there!

BUT FIRST, AN IMPORTANT REMINDER: County Administrators and Extension Faculty, your interviews should be wrapping up by the week of October 18th so you can present the information collected at the upcoming Extension Retreat.

Public Listening Sessions:
* 10/14 (Thursday). In-Person on Kauaʻi at the Extension Classroom. 9:30am-11:30am or 5:30pm-7:30pm. Contact Glenn Evans at gje2@hawaii.edu.
* 10/15 (Friday). In-Person in Hilo at the Komohana Research Station. 9:00am-11am or 1:30pm-3:30pm. Contact Michael Shintaku at shintaku@hawaii.edu.
* 10/18 (Monday). In-Person on Oʻahu at Leeward Community College, ED201. 9am-11am or 1:00pm-3:00pm. Contact Jari Sugano at suganoj@hawaii.edu.

To accommodate for COVID restrictions, County Administrators have sent out invitations to potential interested parties. If you know anyone who might be interested to join, please contact the County Administrator to pass on the contact information.

Other Scheduled Events:
* 10/13 Wed. Virtual Permanent Staff Listening Session, 8:00am-10am
* 10/19 Tue. Virtual Permanent Staff Listening Session, 1:30pm-3:30pm
* 10/20 Wed. In-Person Permanent Faculty Listening Session on Oʻahu at Gilmore Hall, 9am-11am or 1:30pm-3:30pm
* 10/21 Thu. In-Person Extension Retreat at Pearl City Urban Garden Center. time TBD

To accommodate for COVID restrictions, invitations were sent out to all permanent faculty and staff to RSVP as space per session is limited.

*Note: Per the University of Hawai'i's (UH) COVID-19 Guidelines (Interim), prior to arriving at any UH facility (on- and off-campus) visitors must complete a LumiSight health check via the web<https://uh.campus.lumisight.com/> or Apple phone app<https://apps.apple.com/us/app/lumisight-uh/id1519381585> or Google phone app<https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.novidcampus.novidcampusapp&hl>.

Visitors may also complete a hard copy version of the LumiSight health check when checking in for the listening session and show proof of being fully vaccinated (14 days after single dose or last dose in two shot regimen) or a negative test result within the past 7 days. Also, a use of a face mask is required.

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