
  • 15 March 2019
  • Author: Anonym
  • Number of views: 5837

Students interested in science, the ocean, and outreach may want to look into Our Project in Hawaii’s Intertidal (OPIHI). This program, which provides marine intertidal research experience for undergraduates, is recruiting for a year-long internship program (Fall 2019–Spring 2020). Hard-working and dedicated individuals with a passion for the coastal environment are invited to submit applications by April 1.

OPIHI monitors rocky intertidal areas around the islands of Hawai‘i. Last year its cohort of 13 science majors from multiple universities participated in teacher and student outreach, community service, and three different research projects around the island of O‘ahu. This year’s OPIHI interns will continue working alongside leaders in marine science and local community organizations.

Benefits to participating include hands-on scientific field experience and the potential for future collaborations, the chance to work with other passionate science students and researchers, and the opportunity to contribute to scientific and educational research projects around O‘ahu. Participants earn 3–4 credits and receive a stipend of $750. Apply here by April 1 at 11:59 p.m. Applicants will be notified via email in May 2019. You can email Patrick Nichols (pkn@hawaii.edu) with any questions.

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