Plant Propagation Prodigy

  • 30 May 2018
  • Author: Anonym
  • Number of views: 7869
Plant Propagation Prodigy
Aleta Corpuz, who just graduated with an MS in Horticulture, has been awarded the Bruce Briggs Memorial Scholarship for 2018 by the International Plant Propagators Society (IPPS). Scholarship recipients receive full registration and hotel accommodations for the annual meeting, which this year will be held in Kona this July/August. In addition, they also receive a one-year student membership in the IPPS Western Region. Aleta, who worked as a graduate assistant to Orville Baldos, is interested in using native plants as ornamentals and starting a native plant nursery. Read more about Aleta in the Spring 2018 edition of Western Region Cuttings, the newsletter of the Western region of the IPPS. Here she is pictured discussing the project to establish native Hawaiian plantings on the Manoa campus with which she was involved.