Food Science Capstones

Join our seniors as they showcase poi, kava, CBD, breadfruit, and konjac

Food Science Capstones

Our senior students in Food Science and Human Nutrition are winding up their academic careers at CTAHR, and you are invited! to their UH Food Science Capstone Student Presentations, hosted by the Hawaiʻi Institute of Food Technologists (HIFT).

  • Trisha Nagasawa. Breadfruit and its capabilities as a flour.
  • Calah Bayley. Total phenolic content of a kava, salt instant coffee beverage product.
  • Caitlin Yamasaki. Sensory evaluation of poi in candy.
  • Amanda Joya. Emulsion characteristics and physical stability of oil-in-water emulsion using CBD oil in a black tea beverage.
  • Kayla Morikami. Fat replacement in baked goods using konjac glucomannan.

Thursday, May 6th at 6:00 p.m. Please RSVP by May 4 to receive the online meeting details.

“Please join our seniors for an evening of research,” says Kara Ono, HIFT Section Chair. “We hope to see you there!”

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