
  • 11 October 2018
  • Author: Anonym
  • Number of views: 6677

Wish you lived back in the days when elegant cruise ships like the Lurline or the Mastonia plied the waters around the Islands? Get a glimpse of the glamour and sophistication of that time period at the Cruise Line exhibition, curated by Shu Hwa Lin’s FDM 460 students. Featuring 16 items selected from the Costume Museum, the display will be up in Miller 112 through October 18. As the informational material explains, “As you walk through the Cruise Line exhibition you will be taken through the day of a passenger, from lounging on the deck in your wool knit swimsuit to taking a casual stroll around the ship or dining in your best dress with the Captain. While in Hawaii passengers would dress in their best Aloha shirts and muumuus to attend the local luau. This was a time that women’s restrictive clothing, like corsets, were thrown out and women began to dress more comfortably, showing their arms and legs. Men wore slacks with a knit vest and a nice undershirt and while dining wore their best black-tie suit.” Comfort and elegance combined—what could be better?
