Be There, at the Fair

  • 13 June 2018
  • Author: Anonym
  • Number of views: 13010
Be There, at the Fair
Show off your program or project at the Hawaii State Farm Fair on July 14 and 15! CTAHR will reserve one or more shared exhibition spaces in the Buy Local, It Matters education pavilion so you can have a presence without committing to two long days. Exhibitors are encouraged to offer family-oriented games or activities or samples, like last year’s Pueo Project booth (pictured). There is a game wheel that can be used with your questions and a few give-away prizes available. OCS will also provide the table drape and backdrop banner. The following shifts are available—and you can select more than one: Saturday, July 14, from 9 am. to noon and from noon to 3 p.m.; Sunday, July 15, from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. and from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. It’s at Kualoa Ranch, 49-560 Kamehameha Highway, in Ka‘a‘awa on O‘ahu. Please RSVP to Cheryl at ernst@hawaii.edu by Thursday, June 14, with your preferred shift(s) and your topic.
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