Convocation Memories

Links to Spring 2020 graduation video and grads now available

  • 22 June 2020
  • Author: Anonym
  • Number of views: 4591
Convocation Memories

A big thank-you goes to everyone who joined in to celebrate the Spring 2020 graduates at CTAHR’s first Virtual Convocation! The ceremony was a visual and musical feast, giving undergraduate and graduate students a rousing sendoff into the post-graduate world.

These students, whose final semester was completed under very difficult conditions but who nonetheless managed to keep their focus on their research and classwork, deserve to be commended for their strength, resiliency, and determination. As do their professors and mentors, who helped them on their journey.

Weren’t able to attend? Want to relive the memories? Click these links for the convocation video and a list of Spring 2020 graduates.

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