Feeding the World, Protecting the Planet

CTSA director outlines twin goals for the center

  • 6 August 2019
  • Author: Anonym
  • Number of views: 4979
Feeding the World, Protecting the Planet

The latest newsletter from the Center for Tropical and Subtropical Aquaculture is out! In his Letter from the Director, Cheng-Sheng Lee mentions that having just sent out requests for full proposals, CTSA is looking forward to reading the innovative ideas of the principle investigators in the coming weeks.

He then charges his readers with these inspirational words: “We are all aware that there is growing need for sustainable solutions to feed the world’s growing population. Rather than compare aquaculture to fisheries, the two industries need to collaborate to achieve our shared mission….

“Together with other innovative methods and technologies, especially those focused on reducing and re-utilizing waste, we can help reach one of the fundamental goals of aquaculture farming: increasing the seafood supply. Protecting the ocean is another fundamental goal of aquaculture farming. We have many unique opportunities to supply the growing demand for seafood while reducing impacts on precious and finite natural resources.”

Read his full letter here!
