Hunger in the Land of Plenty

Anti-hunger activist will give presentation in September

  • 16 July 2019
  • Author: Anonym
  • Number of views: 5430
Hunger in the Land of Plenty

It’s a bitter irony that in a country of such potential prosperity, where so many citizens seek to curb their caloric intake, the concurrent threat of hunger hangs over a large segment of the population. To hear more about hunger in the US, ways that the corporate infrastructure fosters it, and initiatives to combat it, save the date and plan come to the presentation sponsored by UH’s American Studies department by anti-hunger activist Andy Fisher. 

Founder of the Community Food Security Coalition and author of Big Hunger: The Unholy Alliance Between Corporate America and Anti-Hunger Groups (2017), Andy Fisher has been a leading force in the food security and food justice movement for 25 years. He has led national campaigns that have brought over $200 million to community groups for food security and farm-to-school projects. Hear more from him on September 12—stay tuned for time and location!
