Get Some Land

Please help review the new plot-allocation form

  • 9 July 2019
  • Author: Anonym
  • Number of views: 4889
Get Some Land

One of the greatest assets of the college is its research and experiment stations, with their knowledgeable and dedicated managers and agricultural technicians and their priceless land on which to conduct variety trials, livestock feeding experiments, and more. Now the county administrators have been working on revising plot-allocation forms into a single document to more effectively manage project requests in terms of land, ag tech hours, and the other resources that go into establishing and maintaining an agricultural experiment.

In the Employees section of the CTAHR website, click on “Facilities” on the left side, and then the “Revision to Plot Allocation Request (Draft)” just below the two Plant and Animal Plot Allocation documents.

This draft plot-allocation form was revised based on discussion at a CTAHR Leadership meeting. Please review this document and send your comments to any county administrator or Associate Dean for Research Walter Bowen by Friday, August 30.
