Talking Climate

A globally renowned climate change expert is visiting UH

  • 24 June 2019
  • Author: Anonym
  • Number of views: 4875
Talking Climate

Dr. Peter Huybers, a professor of climate science in the Department of Earth and Planetary Science at Harvard University, will be coming to UH for a sabbatical year. Dr. Huybers, a leading climate scientist, has won the AGU Macelwane medal, a Packard fellowship, and the prestigious MacArthur fellowship. His research looks at climate from many different points of view, from paleoclimate through the impact of volcanism to the coupling of plants with the climate system.

Join the Club

Given the wide scope of his research, Dr. Huybers wants to meet with many departments at UH, as well as start a journal club to facilitate interactions on climate. Faculty and students who are interested can contact Giuseppe Torri at gtorri@hawaii.edu and help spread the word across campus.
