Maui Projects RFP

  • 29 May 2019
  • Author: Anonym
  • Number of views: 5034
Maui Projects RFP

Need some funding for a project that will benefit Maui County or be conducted there? Make sure you submit a proposal for the annually awarded Maui County grant! Noa Lincoln's (TPSS, pictured) 'ulu project is one of the deserving projects funded last year. This is a great opportunity for both junior and experienced faculty! Several aspects of the RFP are new this year: 

  • There should be $100,000 available for distribution!
  • Proposal submissions will need to utilize the Maui County online application form and handbook for background information.
  • Proposals selected for inclusion in the overall Maui County grant will be given the option to make any budget adjustments prior to submission of the overall grant proposal, but no movement of money between line items will be allowed after the grant has been awarded, so be very thoughtful when putting together your budget.
  • Proposals are due at 4:00 p.m. on Monday, June 10. Any submissions received after 4:00, based on the email timestamp, will not be reviewed, any technical issues notwithstanding. You may submit proposals as early as you wish, and you will receive email confirmation once it has been received.

If you have any questions, just call or email Cindy Reeves.

Categories: CTAHR NOTES