Thinking About the Ocean for Earth Month

  • 29 May 2019
  • Author: Anonym
  • Number of views: 4945
Thinking About the Ocean for Earth Month

As Center for Tropical and Subtropical Aquaculture director Cheng-Sheng Lee argues in his Letter from the Director in this month’s Regional e-Notes, Earth Day and Earth Month are a perfect time to reflect on the importance of using precious natural resources wisely and effectively…a goal that aquaculture can help to further.

“Aquaculture plays an increasingly essential role in the global food supply,” he explains. “One area that CTSA has paid increasing attention to is extending the lifetime and value of all available resources.” He describes a recently completed project that utilized nutrient-rich effluent water from tofu production to produce a fungal biomass ingredient for aquaculture feeds. The tofu producer was pleased to be able to create a new product from the effluent water, which would otherwise have to be treated before discharge. Dr. Lee challenges his readers to find new ways to use underutilized resources. 

On that note, he also points out that his month’s newsletter contains the FY19 Request for Pre-Proposals and encourages his audience to submit project ideas aimed at innovatively and effectively utilizing resources that have previously been deemed unusable. Find out more about submitting your proposal here—the deadline is Friday, June 14.

Categories: CTAHR NOTES