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ASAO 5 Year Vision Plan

  • 12 September 2018
  • Author: Kellie Taguchi
  • Number of views: 1720
ASAO 5 Year Vision Plan

The ASAO office went on a two-day retreat to create a strategic recruitment and retention plan for the next 5 years.

3MEP --> 3MT

3MEP --> 3MT

CTAHR held its 2nd annual Three-Minute Elevator Pitch.  Our top 23 students competed to win $5000 in prize money. 

30 Years of the Student Research Symposium

30 Years of the Student Research Symposium

SRS celebrated its 30th anniversary this year with a special 30th Annual Award.  148 abstracts were presented as posters and oral presentations, with $33,000 in prize money.

Sustainable CTAHR at the Sustainability Showcase

Sustainable CTAHR at the Sustainability Showcase

CTAHR was invited to the Honolulu Community College’s first ever Sustainability Showcas.

ASAO Supports the CTAHR Fashion Show

ASAO Supports the CTAHR Fashion Show

The Academic and Student Affairs Office supported the 52nd annual Fashion Show by purchasing 10 VIP and 20 General Admission tickets.
