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CTAHR’s Annual Blood Bank Drive
Kellie Taguchi
/ Categories: ASAO, Events

CTAHR’s Annual Blood Bank Drive

CTAHR held it’s annual Blood Drive at the Campus Center Ballroom.  We scheduled over 70 appointments, with 22 appointment being with first time donors!  We exceeded our goal of collecting over 53 donations!  With these donations, 158 blood products were provided to hospitals.  Big mahalo to Dunkin’ Donuts for providing free coffee coupons, the UH Bookstore for 15% off a UH Logo item coupons, Sodexo for providing $5 lunch vouchers, and the ASAO office for sponsoring this life-saving event. Congratulations to the CTAHR Student Ambassador committee and Blood Bank of Hawaii for putting together this successful drive! We hope to see all of you at our next drive.

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