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Fun Times at CTAHR Students and Alumni Mixer
Kellie Taguchi
/ Categories: ASAO, Events

Fun Times at CTAHR Students and Alumni Mixer

The on-going pandemic has not stopped our CTAHR Alumni Association and Friends from continuing efforts to support each other and students. On Friday, January 22nd the CTAHR AA & Friends board members hosted their 2nd Virtual CTAHR Student / Alumni Mixer. The lively event included meals delivered from Adela’s Country Eatery, a CTAHR Alumni owned restaurant in Kaneohe, fun Kahoot Trivia and puzzle games and in-depth conversations.  CTAHR students received advice about future employment from professionals working at places like Hawaiian Host, ESPN, the Coconut Rhinoceros Beetle Project and many others. Students inquiring about graduate studies also gained insight into the commitment involved in moving ahead.  The learning opportunities were a two way street, as alumni asked students and found out what its like to attend school during the pandemic. The feedback we received let us know that the event was enjoyed by all, so we look forward to sponsoring more mixers in the future. From a participating Alumni : "I really loved the mix of attendees and hearing all of the responses to the questions.  Excellent responses from alumni and current students.  I enjoyed listening in and gaining better perspectives!”

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