CTAHR CareerLaunch Seminar
Our first CareerLaunch seminar of the Spring 2021 semester brought Dr. Christian Giardina, a Research Ecologist working for the United States Forest Service (USFS) at the Pacific Southwest Research Station in Hilo. Undergraduate and Graduate students heard about the USFS’s mission, culture, career opportunities, and how to navigate the federal hiring processes and submit a successful job application.
Join us for next month’s CareeLaunch series to hear all about what the Hawaii Department of Agriculture has to offer to CTAHR students and graduates on Wednesday, February 10th, at 5:00 pm!
For the entrepreneurial minds out there, get excited! On March 3rd, at 6:00 pm, Beer Lab HI will address the challenges and opportunities of establishing your own business in Hawaii and give you some insight into producing the best of beers. More details to follow for both events.