News and Events

«March 2025»

More Trees, Please

More Trees, Please 14 March 2018

More Trees, Please

Rich Criley (TPSS) participated in the Trees for Honolulu’s Future workshop on March 9 by showing the series of Extension publications he has written called Expanding Tree Diversity in Hawai‘i’s Landscapes that provide alternatives for landscapers and home growers to the most commonly used trees.

Prune Your Plants

Prune Your Plants 14 March 2018

Prune Your Plants

Cooperative Extension’s Andrea Kawabata (TPSS) and Stuart Nakamoto (HNFAS), along with Tracie Matsumoto from USDA ARS DKI PBARC, hosted two coffee-pruning field days at the Kona Cooperative Extension and Research Station.

New Faces: Roshan Manandhar

New Faces: Roshan Manandhar 14 March 2018

New Faces: Roshan Manandhar

Welcome to Roshan Manandhar, who is joining the Cooperative Extension team in Kaua‘i County as an assistant Extension agent! Roshan has both MS and PhD degrees in entomology from UHM, with post-doctoral experience at Lincoln University in Missouri. 

Tropical Showcase

Tropical Showcase 14 March 2018

Tropical Showcase

The Variety Showcase Goes Tropical event hosted by GoFarm Hawai‘i and the Culinary Breeding Network at Kapi‘olani Community College was an exciting celebration that brought an array of exciting crop varietals together with culture and cuisine, blended brilliantly in bite-size tastings by local chefs.

Up, Up, and Away!

Up, Up, and Away! 7 March 2018

Up, Up, and Away!

Hawai‘i 4-H is highlighted in the National Institute for Food and Agriculture’s Annual Report. The section on youth development notes the STEM-enrichment activities, such as rocketry, that 4-H brings to youth in the Islands. 

New Faces: Casey Bohan

New Faces: Casey Bohan 28 February 2018

New Faces: Casey Bohan

Welcome to Casey Bohan, who has just started at Waiakea Research Station as an agricultural research technician. 

Farming After GoFarm

Farming After GoFarm 28 February 2018

Farming After GoFarm

The beginning-farmer training program GoFarm Hawai‘i held its first Alumni Conference on February 17, where over 100 participants from O‘ahu, Kaua‘i, Maui, and Hawai‘i Island came together to network and learn.


P-20 GENE-IUSES 21 February 2018


Staff from the Gene-ius Day program attended the 2018 Hawaii P-20 Middle School Career Industry Fair held on February 15 at the Hawaii Convention Center, introducing students to exciting career pathways in agriculture.


AG WITH A CAPITOL “A” 21 February 2018


CTAHR was out in force at the recent Ag Day at the Capitol, which gave legislators a glimpse of the many important impacts agriculture has in the Islands.

Welcome Nolan Johnson

Welcome Nolan Johnson 21 February 2018

Welcome Nolan Johnson

Nolan Johnson, a new agricultural research technician at Mealani Research Station and master’s candidate in Tropical Plant and Soil Sciences with an emphasis on irrigation management, has a background in golf course mangement and civil engineering.


THEY’RE AWARE 14 February 2018


Over 500 students and teachers attended the Agriculture and Environmental Awareness Day event at the Urban Garden Center to learn about the importance of agriculture and the environment in the community and to find out more about career opportunities in agriculture and environmental studies in Hawai‘i.




The 4-H AGventure program has just concluded its fifth year. Over a thousand 4th-graders had an opportunity to learn about Hawai‘i’s agriculture from the best of the best. 4-H AGventure owes its success to the support, dedication, and time of the many volunteers who work to make it so great!

Bright Roots

Bright Roots 7 February 2018

Bright Roots

There will be an open house showcasing observations of a colorful carrot variety trial conducted at the Poamoho Research Station on Wednesday, February 28, from 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.

Malama ‘Ulu

Malama ‘Ulu 7 February 2018

Malama ‘Ulu

Natural Resources and Environmental Management grad student Blaire Langston is holding a workshop on Saturday, February 17, from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon in St. John 106 on how to participate in the ‘Ulu Phenology Project.

A Family (and Community) Man

A Family (and Community) Man 5 February 2018

A Family (and Community) Man

County Administrator Russell Messing was guest speaker at the recent Kaua‘i Association of Family and Community Education Achievement Day luncheon.

Isle Welcomes Isele

Isle Welcomes Isele 5 February 2018

Isle Welcomes Isele

Eli Isele joins CTAHR as the assistant Extension agent in sustainable agriculture in Hilo.

Oh Savannah!

Oh Savannah! 2 February 2018

Oh Savannah!

Recent Kansas State University graduate Savannah Katulski has bid goodbye to her mainland friends and joined CTAHR as livestock and 4-H Extension faculty member for Kaua‘i county.

Hot Topic

Hot Topic 2 February 2018

Hot Topic

CTAHR faculty and partners briefed elected officials and legislative staffers on the issue of wildfires in Hawai‘i on a field trip to the Waianae Mountains. 

Beefing Up 4-H Skills

Beefing Up 4-H Skills 2 February 2018

Beefing Up 4-H Skills

CTAHR livestock expert Kyle Caires is conducting clinics for 4-H youth on Hawai‘i and Maui islands.

No Beating this Bushe

No Beating this Bushe 2 February 2018

No Beating this Bushe

The floriculture and nursery industry honors CTAHR veteran and alumnus Brian Bushe for dedicated service to the college and the agricultural community in Hawai‘i.

18 November 2022

Global Interest

HNFAS Extension is recognized by NIFA

Global Interest

Congrats to Mark Thorne on a Partnership Award for Multistate Efforts!

His National Connections Teams for Forest & Rangeland Resources team was recognized by the USDA’s National Institute of Food and Agriculture for developing the web-based conference series, “Strengthening RREA programing Through Enhanced Connections.”

At the onset of Covid, their goal was to increase capacity of Extension educators to serve their stakeholders and strengthen the Renewable Resources Extension Act program. The team employed novel online, interactive content to provide unique opportunities for Extension educators to share strategies, tools, and outreach methodologies across institutions, as well as proactively engage a broad diversity of Extension, public agency, and conservation professionals.

The project aimed to build capacity among Extension and outreach professionals to provide scientific and technologically relevant programs to forest and range stakeholders. Specifically, to 1) establish a project team composted of range and forestry experts from geographically distinct land-grant institutions; 2) create nine webinars addressing RREA critical issues; and 3) develop online forums enabling participants to share ideas and methodologies and develop collaborations around the RREA critical issues.

The interdisciplinary, multi-state team included Barbara Hutchinson of U. Arizona, Kris Tiles of U. Wisconsin, Retta Bruegger of Colorado State U., Adam Downing of Virginia Tech U., Elise Gornish of U. Arizona, Sheila Merrigan of U. Arizona, Martha Monroe of U. Florida, Leslie Roche of U. California-Davis, and Dave Bogner of U. Arizona.

Mark, of CTAHR’s Dept. Human Nutrition, Food and Animal Sciences, notes the webinars had widespread participation and international appeal, with a total of 1,069 registrations from across the U.S. and around the globe (Australia, Spain, Guatemala, Brazil, Columbia, Slovakia, Canada, and Jordan). They were influential, with 96% of post-webinar survey respondents indicating what they learned would “somewhat” to “very likely” enhance their Extension programming. The project also spurred new collaborations, including applications to RREA-NFF 2022 program and a USDA-WSARE Professional Development proposal.

“This project was one of the more rewarding I have worked on over my career as it expanded my collegial network and has led to several collaborative opportunities that would not have materialized otherwise,” says Mark. 

Watch the Strengthening RREA Programing Through Enhanced Connections: A Web-based Conference Series webinars.