News and Events

«July 2024»

Try Kaua‘i

Try Kaua‘i 4 April 2018

Try Kaua‘i

Junior Extension Agent Emilie Kirk welcomed edible crop and flower farmers to a free spring workshop and tour of the Kaua‘i Agricultural Research Center.

A Graftin’ Good Time

A Graftin’ Good Time 4 April 2018

A Graftin’ Good Time

Hawai‘i Island CTAHR Extension staff members teamed up with USDA to offer hands-on avocado-grafting workshops for 45 growers and promote their ‘Sharwil’ Avocado Project.

Sustainable Swine

Sustainable Swine 4 April 2018

Sustainable Swine

Rajesh Jha (HNFAS) recently offered a training course on “Feed and Nutrition Management” for a group of young ethnic-minority farmers in Nepal, in which he provided knowledge and hands-on skills on utilizing local feedstuffs and food waste as a sustainable source of feed for swine.

Feeding Greatness

Feeding Greatness 28 March 2018

Feeding Greatness

Research by Rajesh Jha and his Animal Sciences students focuses on locally grown feeds for chicken to lower costs, improve environmental sustainability and improve flavor of local fowl.

On Parade

On Parade 21 March 2018

On Parade

The Waimanalo Research Station will be the home base for the 3rd Annual Parade of Farms, presented by the O‘ahu Resource and Conservation Development Council, on Saturday, May 5, from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. This year’s parade will be featuring farms in Waimanalo.

Healthy in Guam

Healthy in Guam 21 March 2018

Healthy in Guam

Former CHL trainee and now Guam EFNEP coordinator Tanisha Franquez Aflague was recently featured in Fresh From the Field, NIFA’s newsletter highlighting success stories of its grantees, about her work with the Children’s Healthy Living (CHL) Project. 

Heritage Roots

Heritage Roots 14 March 2018

Heritage Roots

A Taro Field Day will be held at the Waimanalo Research Station on Saturday, March 17, from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon.

More Trees, Please

More Trees, Please 14 March 2018

More Trees, Please

Rich Criley (TPSS) participated in the Trees for Honolulu’s Future workshop on March 9 by showing the series of Extension publications he has written called Expanding Tree Diversity in Hawai‘i’s Landscapes that provide alternatives for landscapers and home growers to the most commonly used trees.

Prune Your Plants

Prune Your Plants 14 March 2018

Prune Your Plants

Cooperative Extension’s Andrea Kawabata (TPSS) and Stuart Nakamoto (HNFAS), along with Tracie Matsumoto from USDA ARS DKI PBARC, hosted two coffee-pruning field days at the Kona Cooperative Extension and Research Station.

New Faces: Roshan Manandhar

New Faces: Roshan Manandhar 14 March 2018

New Faces: Roshan Manandhar

Welcome to Roshan Manandhar, who is joining the Cooperative Extension team in Kaua‘i County as an assistant Extension agent! Roshan has both MS and PhD degrees in entomology from UHM, with post-doctoral experience at Lincoln University in Missouri. 

Tropical Showcase

Tropical Showcase 14 March 2018

Tropical Showcase

The Variety Showcase Goes Tropical event hosted by GoFarm Hawai‘i and the Culinary Breeding Network at Kapi‘olani Community College was an exciting celebration that brought an array of exciting crop varietals together with culture and cuisine, blended brilliantly in bite-size tastings by local chefs.

Up, Up, and Away!

Up, Up, and Away! 7 March 2018

Up, Up, and Away!

Hawai‘i 4-H is highlighted in the National Institute for Food and Agriculture’s Annual Report. The section on youth development notes the STEM-enrichment activities, such as rocketry, that 4-H brings to youth in the Islands. 

New Faces: Casey Bohan

New Faces: Casey Bohan 28 February 2018

New Faces: Casey Bohan

Welcome to Casey Bohan, who has just started at Waiakea Research Station as an agricultural research technician. 

Farming After GoFarm

Farming After GoFarm 28 February 2018

Farming After GoFarm

The beginning-farmer training program GoFarm Hawai‘i held its first Alumni Conference on February 17, where over 100 participants from O‘ahu, Kaua‘i, Maui, and Hawai‘i Island came together to network and learn.


P-20 GENE-IUSES 21 February 2018


Staff from the Gene-ius Day program attended the 2018 Hawaii P-20 Middle School Career Industry Fair held on February 15 at the Hawaii Convention Center, introducing students to exciting career pathways in agriculture.


AG WITH A CAPITOL “A” 21 February 2018


CTAHR was out in force at the recent Ag Day at the Capitol, which gave legislators a glimpse of the many important impacts agriculture has in the Islands.

Welcome Nolan Johnson

Welcome Nolan Johnson 21 February 2018

Welcome Nolan Johnson

Nolan Johnson, a new agricultural research technician at Mealani Research Station and master’s candidate in Tropical Plant and Soil Sciences with an emphasis on irrigation management, has a background in golf course mangement and civil engineering.


THEY’RE AWARE 14 February 2018


Over 500 students and teachers attended the Agriculture and Environmental Awareness Day event at the Urban Garden Center to learn about the importance of agriculture and the environment in the community and to find out more about career opportunities in agriculture and environmental studies in Hawai‘i.




The 4-H AGventure program has just concluded its fifth year. Over a thousand 4th-graders had an opportunity to learn about Hawai‘i’s agriculture from the best of the best. 4-H AGventure owes its success to the support, dedication, and time of the many volunteers who work to make it so great!

Bright Roots

Bright Roots 7 February 2018

Bright Roots

There will be an open house showcasing observations of a colorful carrot variety trial conducted at the Poamoho Research Station on Wednesday, February 28, from 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
9 April 2020

Container Gardening in Small Spaces

Don’t have a pot for planting? Buckets, plastic jars, and carryout food containers work, too!

Container Gardening in Small Spaces

Hawai‘i is home to the most geographically isolated human population on the planet. We are vulnerable to disasters and heavily reliant on imported food. We need to become more food independent and have fresh produce readily available, in close proximity to local residents and their families. Growing your own is a great way to start.

With more than half-a-million housing units packed into our tiny state, containerized vegetable gardening is ideal for small spaces: apartments, condominiums, patios, as well as areas with poor soil conditions. With sufficient growing space, soil drainage and aeration, sunlight, adequate nutrients, and irrigation, you can grow vegetables quickly—right at home.


Plastic, clay, or cement pots are excellent for vegetable and herb production. But in a pinch, you’d be surprised at how many common household items can be used as planting containers—leftover plastic take-out food containers, old gutters, or storage tubs. With a little potting soil and fertilizer, these commonly discarded items can be transformed into food-producing vegetable gardens! Just make sure you cut or drill enough holes for drainage: about a half-inch wide, evenly spaced.

Root Space

Selecting the right container starts with knowing how much room the roots will need to fully develop. Some crops need more root space, such as cucumber, eggplant, daikon, soybean, ginger, taro, squash, rosemary, ung choy, and pepper. They should be planted in large containers—a 3- to 5-gallon bucket with holes drilled in the bottom is great. Medium-size plants, such as green onion, lettuce, spinach, basil, beans, mint, cabbage, kale, or radish should be placed in 1½- to 2½-gallon containers. Small herbs like mizuna, chives, and parsley can thrive in ½- to 1-gallon containers, like a plastic milk jug with the narrow top cut off. In general, it’s better to plant crops in a larger container rather than something too small that might limit the root development.


Be mindful that containerized vegetables are vulnerable to the same pests and diseases as vegetables grown in the ground. If soil-borne plant diseases are a problem in your area, try using “soil-less” potting mixes. For specific questions about pest management, visit the UH Master Gardeners website.

Another important consideration is fertilization, especially in Hawai‘i. So remember to feed your plants well. Stay tuned for an article on fertilization, coming soon!

Whether you have a natural green thumb or are a green-thumb-in-training, find your favorite seeds, review the science, get some fresh air, practice social distancing—and get dirty!

Jari Sugano and Kalani Matsumura, Cooperative Extension Service and Master Gardener Program, UH College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources