News and Events

«July 2024»

Fishing for Knowledge..and Fertilizer

Fishing for Knowledge..and Fertilizer 25 July 2018

Fishing for Knowledge..and Fertilizer

This past weekend, associate Extension agent Andrea Kawabata dove in a spearfishing event to gather roi, ta‘ape, and to‘au for research into fish disease, age, and reproductive status, as well as the impact of these species on the reef. Over 210 pounds of fish was then donated to Big Island farmers for compost and compost-tea fertilizers. 

Extension Excellence

Extension Excellence 25 July 2018

Extension Excellence

The college’s Extension agents recently got some well-deserved props in a laudatory article in Hawai‘i Magazine. The article focuses on Andrea Kawabata, Glen Fukumoto, and Jari Sugano, painting a picture of skilled, dedicated, and enthusiastic Extension workers making a huge difference in Island agriculture—one farm visit, variety trial, or workshop at a time.


Project Is No Lemon

Project Is No Lemon 25 July 2018

Project Is No Lemon

CTAHR faculty and Master Gardeners helped Jefferson Elementary students with Project Lemon Tree, which established CO2-reducing trees, an arbor, and student gardens on a campus site vandalized in 2016.

Making Life Better in Maui County

Making Life Better in Maui County 19 July 2018

Making Life Better in Maui County

Congratulations to all CTAHR faculty who were successful in the recent Maui County FY19 grant competition! The projects funded included education in reproductive technologies, establishing a trial garden for ornamentals, investigating dispensing pesticides from drones, continuing breadfruit research, and more.

For the Bees

For the Bees 19 July 2018

For the Bees

Scott Nikaido and Ethel Villalobos (both PEPS) were featured in a Ka Leo article on the class on beekeeping that they teach, Beekeeping in the Tropics: Introduction to Honeybee Health and Management. It is offered through the UH Manoa Outreach College, though Scott hopes to offer classes for credit at UH in the future.

Celebrate Celery

Celebrate Celery 12 July 2018

Celebrate Celery

Joshua Silva and the rest of O‘ahu Cooperative Extension will be holding a Celery Variety Trial Field Day on July 26, from 10 a.m. to noon, at the Poamoho Research Station. Participants will be able to observe nine commercially available celery varieties and discuss production practices.

Grow With Them!

Grow With Them! 12 July 2018

Grow With Them!

All growers are invited to a day-long educational workshop: “CTAHR Ground Support: Research-Based Support for O‘ahu’s Fast-Paced Edible Crop Industry,” to learn about current agricultural research, practices, and information from CTAHR faculty and other agricultural partners on Wednesday, August 1, from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

Volunteer to Share Your Volunteer-Management Experiences

Volunteer to Share Your Volunteer-Management Experiences 12 July 2018

Volunteer to Share Your Volunteer-Management Experiences

The volunteer development team is interested in learning more about people’s experiences as volunteer managers and is asking those who currently manage Extension volunteers for their input via a 10- to 20-minute anonymous and voluntary online survey. Responses may be used to improve the volunteer experience for faculty, staff, and volunteers.

Looking Back, Looking Forward

Looking Back, Looking Forward 12 July 2018

Looking Back, Looking Forward

The year 2018 marks a special time for Hawai‘i Cooperative Extension and the Hawai‘i 4-H Program, which are celebrating their 90-year and 100-year anniversaries. Everyone is invited to celebrate these two special events to commemorate Hawai‘i’s past while looking toward the future on Wednesday, November 7, so save the date!

CHL Gets a Cool Couple of Million

CHL Gets a Cool Couple of Million 12 July 2018

CHL Gets a Cool Couple of Million

The Children’s Healthy Living Program was designated a Center of Excellence and awarded $2.1 million in USDA funding to continue its successful efforts to decrease the prevalence of childhood obesity in the Pacific.

Dealing With Climate Change in Samoa

Dealing With Climate Change in Samoa 12 July 2018

Dealing With Climate Change in Samoa

Clay Trauernicht and Patricia Fifita (both NREM) organized the American Samoa Extension Climate Forum with partners at American Samoa Community College (ASCC), similar to the climate forum for Extension personnel that they organized last year at UH. Jonathan Deenik and Jensen Uyeda (both TPSS) also presented and attended.

How to Help Your Orchids

How to Help Your Orchids 27 June 2018

How to Help Your Orchids

Volunteers from the East Hawaiʻi Island Master Gardener program will be at the Hilo Orchid Society Annual Show and Sale to answer questions and assist home gardeners with horticultural and gardening information on Friday, July 13, between 9 a.m. and 6 p.m. and Saturday, July 14, between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m.

Small Ruminants

Small Ruminants 27 June 2018

Small Ruminants

Cooperative Extension conducted four workshops for veterinarians and technicians and four open lectures covering “Small Ruminant Health,” one each on O‘ahu, Maui, the Big Island, and Kaua‘i, featuring David Pugh, a board-certified veterinary specialist in nutrition, parasitology, and theriogenology.


Grafters 27 June 2018


Responding to popular demand, the Kona Extension Office offered two hands-on coffee grafting workshops for coffee producers last week. Alyssa Cho, Stuart T. Nakamoto, and Andrea Kawabata provided participants with an overview on the coffee root-knot nematode project and the important points of how and why to graft coffee plants.

Be There! At the Fair!

Be There! At the Fair! 20 June 2018

Be There! At the Fair!

If you haven’t signed up as an exhibitor for the Hawaii State Farm Fair on July 14 and 15, there’s still time, and there’s still a need: the Saturday morning (9 a.m. to noon) and Sunday afternoon (1 to 5 p.m. shifts still need to be covered.

Livestock Aloha

Livestock Aloha 20 June 2018

Livestock Aloha

The 61st Annual Hawai‘i County 4-H Livestock Show and Sale was held at the Rocking Chair Ranch (aka Anderson Arena). It was the project conclusion for 40 youth who had been working for many weeks feeding, training, and grooming their steers, heifers, pigs, goats, lambs, rabbits, and poultry.

Broken Links in the Supply Chain

Broken Links in the Supply Chain 20 June 2018

Broken Links in the Supply Chain

Associate Dean for Extension Kelvin Sewake was interviewed for an article in Supply Chain Dive about the effects of Kilauea's volcanic activity on the supply chain on the Big Island and throughout the state. The article reported that he and other members of the college are working to help find solutions so farmers won’t have to stop farming.

Be There, at the Fair

Be There, at the Fair 13 June 2018

Be There, at the Fair

Show off your program or project at the Hawaii State Farm Fair on July 14 and 15! Exhibitors are encouraged to offer family-oriented games or activities or samples. Please RSVP to Cheryl at by Thursday, June 14, with your preferred shift(s) and your topic.

The Buzz at the Garden

The Buzz at the Garden 13 June 2018

The Buzz at the Garden

More than 300 visitors learned about insects that pollinate home gardens and Hawai‘i ecosystems at the Urban Garden Center’s recent Second Saturday event.

Food Fit for Pigs

Food Fit for Pigs 13 June 2018

Food Fit for Pigs

Rajesh Jha and Halina Zaleski (both HNFAS) provide their expert opinions in a story in Civil Beat about what should be done with the island’s food waste to best increase food security.
22 June 2020

The Care and Feeding of Your Lawn

Turfgrass expert explains how to keep your lawn green and happy

The Care and Feeding of Your Lawn

“I fought the lawn, and the lawn won…” If that’s your theme song, it doesn’t have to be. By sticking to a few simple principles, you can create, maintain, and manage a beautiful green lawn on your property.

Turfgrass Selection. Make sure to select turfgrass species or cultivars suitable for your growing conditions and expected use. Here are the most common species in Hawai’i, and their best selling points:

  • Bermudagrass does very well in the heat
  • Zoysiagrass is relatively low maintenance
  • St. Augustine grass has the best shade tolerance
  • Seashore paspalum can handle very high water or soil salinity.

If you don’t mind some variation in color or texture, you can try using a turf blend or turf mix, combinations of two or more cultivars of the same species or even two or more species, to get the best of both worlds.

Establishment. The best time to make major preparations and modifications to the soil is before you establish your lawn. Now’s when you can incorporate amendments like fertilizer and other nutrients, based on soil test recommendations, to provide the best possible growing conditions.

There are four main ways to establish a home lawn in Hawai‘i:

  • Growing from seed is the least costly, and it offers a variety of seed options. However, it takes the longest time, and you may run into the most weed issues during establishment.
  • Sod is fully grown turfgrass you can buy from sod farms—it unrolls over the ground like a carpet. This method is the most expensive, and selection is limited to the varieties that are locally available. On the plus side, sod offers instant lawn coverage and almost no weed issues during establishment.

The other two methods are compromises:

  • Plugs and sprigs are small pieces of turfgrass sod installed in the soil that grow together for eventual coverage. Plugs require consistent spacing between them; sprigs don’t need to be installed in any particular pattern. These methods work because all warm-season turfgrasses used in Hawai‘i spread horizontally by rhizomes (below-ground runners) and/or stolons (above-ground runners). Both cost less than sod and take less time than establishing a lawn from seed.

Weed control is essential during lawn establishment, especially when seeds, plugs, or sprigs are used.

Caring for Your Lawn. You can maintain high-quality turfgrass and minimize pest problems with appropriate mowing, irrigation, fertilization, and other cultural practices.

  • Mowing: If possible, follow recommendations for mowing height and frequency for your turfgrass. Usually the higher the mowing height, the more robust the root system and the better the overall health of the grass.
  • Irrigation: Too much or too little water can leave turfgrass vulnerable to pest problems. Deep and infrequent irrigation is usually better, while shallow and frequent watering promotes shallow rooting. If possible, water in the early morning rather than the late afternoon or early evening.
  • Fertilize your turfgrass as necessary, but avoid excessive nitrogen, which could stimulate some fungal diseases or result in weak grass blades that are susceptible to insect attack. When feasible, consider organic fertilizers, as they are typically slow release and could support soil microorganisms and improve soil food web health.
  • Thatch should be managed when feasible, and clippings can usually be left onsite.

Pest management. Insects, weeds, fungal diseases, and plant-parasitic nematodes are some of the most common turfgrass pests. Some common insect pests in Hawai‘i include the webworm, armyworm, cutworm, and fiery skipper caterpillars; frit fly; rover ant; mealybug; and bill bug. Common turf weeds are broadleaf weeds, grassy weeds, and sedges. Some common fungal diseases include dollar spot, rust, take-all patch, and fairy ring.

Try an integrated pest management approach, which includes deciding on an acceptable pest threshold, monitoring and early detection, and effective treatments to control target pests. If possible, try to manage lawn pests through a system approach: try cultural, mechanical, and biological control approaches before resorting to chemical pesticides. When using biological control products or chemical pesticides, always read and follow labels strictly. If you’re not sure about your lawn problems, ask a turfgrass expert or your local UH Extension service before taking any major actions.

Now, sit back and enjoy your lawn with a picnic or a game of bocce ball!

Zhiqiang Cheng, Department of Plant and Environmental Protection Sciences, College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources