News and Events

«July 2024»

All in the Community

All in the Community 14 December 2018

All in the Community

Yvette Rodriguez Stern and Sarah Yuan (both COF) led the project team for the Center’s recently published 2018 Community Profile Series, created in collaboration with the YMCA of Honolulu. The team also included COF members Javzandulam Azuma and Kathleen Gauci. The profile series presents measures of quality of life and well-being for 11 communities on O‘ahu.

At the Helm of ADSC

At the Helm of ADSC 14 December 2018

At the Helm of ADSC

CTAHR’s Agricultural Diagnostic Service Center (ADSC) is looking for a manager! The ADSC provides analytical and diagnostic services to Hawai‘i’s agricultural community through soil testing, plant tissue analysis, feed and forage analysis, plant disease identification, and insect pest identification. It also runs the popular UH Seed Program.

Interviews in the Edible Crop Industry on Maui

Interviews in the Edible Crop Industry on Maui 7 December 2018

Interviews in the Edible Crop Industry on Maui

All are invited to attend the interview presentations of the candidates for junior/assistant Extension agent for the edible crop industry on Maui, a position that will be based in TPSS. Each candidate will speak on the topic of “Expanding the Edible Crop Extension Program on Maui.” 

Interviews in Sustainable and Organic Agriculture on O‘ahu

Interviews in Sustainable and Organic Agriculture on O‘ahu 7 December 2018

Interviews in Sustainable and Organic Agriculture on O‘ahu

All are invited to attend the interview presentations of the candidates for junior/assistant Extension agent for sustainable and organic agriculture on O‘ahu, a position that will be based in TPSS. Each candidate will speak their “Vision and Approach to Expand the Sustainable and Organic Agriculture Program on O‘ahu.” 

Interviews in Sustainable and Organic Agriculture on Kaua‘i

Interviews in Sustainable and Organic Agriculture on Kaua‘i 7 December 2018

Interviews in Sustainable and Organic Agriculture on Kaua‘i

All are invited to attend the interview presentations of the candidates for junior/assistant Extension agent for sustainable and organic agriculture on Kaua‘i, a position that will be based in TPSS. Each candidate will speak on their “Vision and Approach to Expand the Sustainable and Organic Agriculture Program on Kaua‘i.” 

Safe on the Farm

Safe on the Farm 7 December 2018

Safe on the Farm

There will be a statewide training for growers on the Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA)’s Produce Safety Rule on Friday, December 14, from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. in the UH Maui College’s Community Service Building #205. This training. especially timely in light of the recent warning against eating romaine, will help growers understand FSMA requirements and potential food safety risks on the farm. 

HNFAS Heroes

HNFAS Heroes 7 December 2018

HNFAS Heroes

Celebrate the careers, contributions, and well-deserved retirement of HNFAS faculty Brent Buckley and Douglas Vincent and Extension agent Glen Fukumoto on December 17, from 11:30 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. in Ag Sci 219. Attendees are requested to contribute either monetary donations or potluck foods. 

Masters on Maui

Masters on Maui 7 December 2018

Masters on Maui

A laudatory article in the Maui News spotlights Extension agent Cynthia Nazario-Leary (TPSS). Cynthia is also a CTAHR alumna, with a master’s degree in horticulture and a doctorate in Natural Resources and Environmental Management. Now, as an agent in urban horticulture, she is trialing sunflower varieties, overseeing the Bee House, and coordinating the Maui Master Gardeners.

New Study on Rapid ʻŌhiʻa Death

New Study on Rapid ʻŌhiʻa Death 5 December 2018

New Study on Rapid ʻŌhiʻa Death

The first study to implicate ambrosia beetles in Rapid ʻŌhiʻa Death (ROD) has been published by the College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources (CTAHR) at the University of Hawai‘i.

Banish the Curl

Banish the Curl 23 November 2018

Banish the Curl

Feeling yellow? You may want to check out the Tomato Yellow Leaf Curl Virus Field Screening Pop-In Field Day. The college has been screening new varieties of tomatoes for possible resistance to the Tomato Yellow Leaf Curl Virus, and a field day of resistant varieties will be held on Saturday, November 24, at the Waimanalo Research Station to go over field screenings that have been conducted in 2018 in the certified organic and GoFarm field plots. 

Stopping ROD on Eco-Tours

Stopping ROD on Eco-Tours 23 November 2018

Stopping ROD on Eco-Tours

The Cooperative Extension forestry team is teaming up with the island Invasive Species Committees, Department of Land and Natural Resources Division of Forestry & Wildlife, Hawai‘i Tourism Authority, and Hawai‘i Ecotourism Association to offer a series of free workshops for eco-tour operators on how to avoid spreading the pathogen that causes Rapid ‘Ōhi‘a Death and other invasive species. 

Interviews in Ag Economics

Interviews in Ag Economics 23 November 2018

Interviews in Ag Economics

All are invited to attend the interview presentations of the candidates for junior/assistant Extension agent for agricultural economics on Friday, November 30; Tuesday, December 4; and Wednesday, December 5. Each candidate will speak on the topic of “Developing an Extension Program in Agricultural Economics for Hawai‘i.” 

Interviews in Livestock Extension

Interviews in Livestock Extension 23 November 2018

Interviews in Livestock Extension

All are invited to attend the interview presentations of the candidates for junior/assistant Extension agent for livestock on Hawai‘i Island on Monday, December 10, and Wednesday, December 12. Each candidate will speak on the topic of “Developing a Livestock Extension Program in Hawai‘i County.” 

Fence Them Out

Fence Them Out 23 November 2018

Fence Them Out

Troubled by wild beasts? Growers who are have requested assistance in managing the wild animals that enter farm areas and destroy edible crops. In response, Cooperative Extension will be holding a Wild Animal Deterrent: Electric Fence Field Day on December 8 at the Waimanalo Research Station to show how wild animals can be excluded from production areas using an electric fencing system. 

Master It!

Master It! 16 November 2018

Master It!

Want to be a Master Gardener volunteer or know someone who does? The East Hawai‘i Master Gardeners are now accepting applications for the 2019 Master Gardener Volunteer Training Program. The course begins January 23 and runs through April, from 9 a.m. to noon every Wednesday morning at the Komohana Research Center.

Past, Present, and Future of Extension

Past, Present, and Future of Extension 16 November 2018

Past, Present, and Future of Extension

CTAHR celebrated 90 years of Cooperative Extension and 100 years of 4-H in Hawai'i on November 7. Attendees included current Extension faculty and staff, retirees, and stakeholders. US and local lawmakers, Dean Nicholas Comerford, interim associate dean for Extension Kelvin Sewake, and state 4-H  leader Jeff Goodwin spoke on the past, present, and future of Extension and 4-H in Hawai’i.

Success and Advancement

Success and Advancement 7 November 2018

Success and Advancement

CTAHR was triumphantly represented at RCUH’s 2018 Awards Luncheon, with both first- and second-place awardees. COF’s Annalynn Macabantad and Dana Senaha took second place in the Team category, and GoFarm director Janel Yamamoto won first prize in the Researcher/Project Manager/Professional category!

Papayas and Hope

Papayas and Hope 2 November 2018

Papayas and Hope

Extension in Hawai‘i County was able to qualify for a grant to hire two agricultural technicians from among the many workers displaced by the recent eruptions. The new ag techs will work at Waiakea Station planting and cross-pollinating papaya plants to obtain seeds for commercial growers to start rebuilding the decimated papaya industry on that island.

A Flowering of Support!

A Flowering of Support! 25 October 2018

A Flowering of Support!

The Hawaii Floriculture and Nursery Association (HFNA) presented CTAHR’s Waiakea Research Station with a $7,500 donation to support research benefiting the floriculture and nursery industries, such as development of new cultivars and control of pests and diseases. Mahalo to HFNA for their support of CTAHR research!


Scrumptious! 25 October 2018


Although 4-H isn’t just about “cows and cooking,” as popular perception often has it, these are iconic activities for a reason! And while East Hawai‘i 4-H has cattle covered, there hasn’t been as much cooking going on in this chapter. So over the recent Fall break, organizers decided to hold a 4-H Cooking 101 Day Camp, and participants were glad they did!

6 April 2020

Selecting a Garden Site

The rewards are definitely worth the effort

Selecting a Garden Site

Hawai‘i has an array of soils and climates, with no one-size-fits-all answer for selecting a garden site. In many parts of our islands, what you see is what you’ve got to work with. You might live on a lava field or dry plain—but it’s all good. In fact, some areas with thin lava soil are the richest areas. Drier areas are usually richer than wetter areas, though you’ll need more water.

The first consideration, in fact, is access to water, especially in a fairly dry area. It should also be free from large rocks and tree stumps, with good sun exposure, not be shaded by large trees or structures.

Southern Exposure

Each side of your house has different wind, sun, temperature, and growing hours. The southern side will have the most intense sun, the north and east will be the windiest, and the north will be the coldest, with the least amount of sun. The west will have the most wind protection, but may have fewer growing hours due to shading from your house. The southwest is often the best area to locate a garden; good southern exposure takes advantage of the spring sun.


Protection from the wind can be a luxury in Hawai‘i. But rather than reject a windy site, you could plant a windbreak: sorghum-sudan grass, pearl millet, or vetiver grass. Sorghum-sudan is the fastest growing—it can provide a six-foot-high wind barrier only 40 days from seed. When the grasses get too long, you just trim them back and cut into mulch.


Planting in pots allows you to move them around until you find the ideal spot. Pots are good for growing micro-greens; mature leafy vegetables like kale, collards, or bok choy; and compact or dwarf fruiting vegetables like tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers, and eggplant. Cut-and-come-again crops like lettuce, arugula, mizuna, and many herbs are also great because you don’t have to plant each time, just maintain and eat again over a long period, even months.

Now Is the Time

The Spring Equinox was March 21, and days are getting longer, up to 13½ hours on June 21, the Summer Solstice. This is the ideal season for gardening in Hawai‘i, when plants will respond positively to day length and spring rains. Seeds will spring forth or even burst out. Some crops will adapt to your location and thrive, while others may struggle. This comes with experience as you grow more gardens.

So stake your claim to a good piece of earth and start with something small you can manage. The more time you spend growing your own food, feeling renewed by our beautiful surroundings, and spending time with your family, the more you’ll appreciate your new garden.

Good luck, and stay safe out there!

Glenn I. Teves, Cooperative Extension Service, UH College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resource