Leaders in the Making 28 February 2018

Leaders in the Making

The President’s Emerging Leaders Program (PELP), a professional development opportunity for UH faculty and staff, is now accepting applications for its 2018–2019 cohort. Applications are especially sought from women, Native Hawaiians, and others underrepresented in UH leadership. 

New Faces: Casey Bohan 28 February 2018

New Faces: Casey Bohan

Welcome to Casey Bohan, who has just started at Waiakea Research Station as an agricultural research technician. 

Wet and Wild 28 February 2018

Wet and Wild

CTAHR held its 6th annual Spring Event on Friday, February 23, when over 100 students, faculty, and staff came out for free food, fun, and games. There was yummy shave ice and, of course, the traditional dunk booth! 

Farming After GoFarm 28 February 2018

Farming After GoFarm

The beginning-farmer training program GoFarm Hawai‘i held its first Alumni Conference on February 17, where over 100 participants from O‘ahu, Kaua‘i, Maui, and Hawai‘i Island came together to network and learn.
Dealing With Disaster 28 February 2018

Dealing With Disaster

If you’re a natural with natural disasters, consider submitting to a special issue of the Journal of Natural Resources Policy Research, on the topic of “Effective Management of Natural Disasters: Conceptual, Empirical Issues and Case Studies.”

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